Microsoft announced the configuration baseline settings draft release for Windows 10 version 1903 (19H1) and for Windows Server…
Author: Sergiu Gatlan
Windows 10 Version 1903 Drops Password Expiration Policies
Microsoft announced the configuration baseline settings draft release for Windows 10 version 1903 (19H1) and for Windows Server…
Qbot Malware Dropped via Context-Aware Phishing Campaign
A phishing campaign dropping the Qbot banking Trojan with the help of delivery emails camouflaging as parts of…
DNSpionage Drops New Karkoff Malware, Cherry-Picks Its Victims
The DNSpionage malware campaign has added a new reconnaissance stage showing that the attackers have become…
Cybercrime’s Total Earnings Skyrocketed to $2.7 Billion Says the FBI
FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) published its 2018 Internet Crime Report which shows that cybercrime was…
ShadowHammer Targets Multiple Companies, ASUS Just One of Them
ASUS was not the only company targeted by supply-chain attacks during the ShadowHammer hacking operation as…
Microsoft Windows Defender ATP APIs Now Generally Available
Microsoft announced the general availability of the Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) programmatic application programming interface (API)… Security Breach, All Customer Passwords Reset fitness and bodybuilding fan website notified its customers of a security breach detected during February…