WikiLeaks and the CIA’s hacking secrets, explained – CNET

A WikiLeaks data dump claims to detail ways in which the CIA could hack your devices,…

Apple’s W1 Bluetooth chip, explained – CNET

There's more than "magic" that makes W1 headphones pair so well with your iPhone.

How to watch today’s travel ban hearing live – CNET

The hearing begins at 3 p.m. PT. Here's how to watch it live.

For goodness’ sake, quit Facebook already. Here’s how – CNET

This is the tough love you were looking for.

How to make the perfect cup of coffee video – CNET

Not all coffee makers are created equal. Here's why some can cost up to $600 (£490…

A toaster oven that makes grilled cheese in 2 minutes? Yes! video – CNET

People are obsessed with this quirky toaster oven. Now we are, too.

How to scan and archive your old printed photos – CNET

Whether you're looking to reduce clutter or share fond memories online, here are four methods for…

CNET’s 10 most popular guides of 2016 – CNET

Here's everything you needed to know in 2016.