National Instruments industrial IoT lab unites rivals

There are many companies vying to build the industrial internet of things, but the systems involved…

Old networks can hobble IoT, even in tech paradise

IoT isn’t all brand-new, cutting-edge technology. In fact, some of it’s already suffering through painful upgrade…

Old networks can hobble new IoT efforts

IoT isn’t all brand-new, cutting-edge technology. In fact, some of it’s already suffering through painful upgrade…

A new Wi-Fi spec will help smart homes run like clockwork

Wi-Fi is an obvious candidate for connecting almost any device that can be plugged into a…

AT&T’s next 5G trial will shoot DirecTV Now to users’ homes

5G conjures up visions of super-fast smartphone service, but it could give consumers and enterprises a…

AT&T’s next 5G trial will shoot DirecTV Now to users’ homes

5G conjures up visions of super-fast smartphone service, but it could give consumers and enterprises a…

Preconfigured Z-Wave gear will save installation time

The next time an installer comes to set up a Z-Wave IoT device in your home,…

ZigBee’s Dotdot language is the latest bid for IoT harmony

As consumers watch another wave of home IoT devices emerge from CES this week, they’ll still…