Windows 10 on Chromebooks? At first, it sounds downright stupid. You can already do just about…
Author: Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
With DaaS Windows coming, say goodbye to your PC as you know it
For over 30 years, we’ve thought of PCs primarily as Windows machines, which we owned and…
Is Microsoft already killing off Windows 7?
Believe it or not, gray-with-age Windows 7 gained market share in March and April 2018. Even…
RIP Macintosh: 1984–2018
Did you notice what was missing at Apple’s 2018 WWDC? There wasn’t a single new Mac…
Don’t believe the hype: We’re a long way from 5G
I wish 5G, with its 490 Mbit/sec. speeds and download latency times of 17 milliseconds, was…
Kiss Apple networking goodbye
Some people are surprised that Apple will no longer be selling its Wi-Fi routers, the AirPort…
iPhone vs. Android: Which is better for you?
Want to start an argument? Just say, “There’s no question Android phones are the best,” “iPhones…
Why not the best? Why not Linux Mint?
I’ve been running Linux on the desktop for decades. When I was starting with it, Linux…