At least one of the revamped looks pares down the number of columns on your home…
Author: Steven Musil
CIA plans to join Instagram – CNET
The intelligence agency wants to share more, but don't expect it to spill secrets.
CIA reportedly says Huawei funded by Chinese state security – CNET
Telecomm giant received funding from China's military, The Times reports.
Google Doodle goes to new heights (and depths) to celebrate Earth Day – CNET
An animated Doodle slideshow spotlights different endangered organisms from different elevations.
Man asks for Pixel 3 refund, gets 10 pink replacements instead – CNET
Talk about a shipping screwup.
New Uber program aims to boost rider safety on college campuses – CNET
Initiative is in response to the murder of a college student who mistakenly got into a…
Facebook ‘unintentionally uploaded’ email contacts from 1.5M users – CNET
Contacts harvested during new account signups for nearly three years.
Sony curbing sexually explicit content in PlayStation games – CNET
Stricter rules based in part on the #MeToo movement, the company tells the Journal.