5 unexpected things you can make in an Instant Pot – CNET

It's good for more than just making dinner.

These are first 7 Alexa skills you should enable – CNET

The ever-growing world of Alexa skills can be daunting. Here are the seven you should give…

9 easy, cheap ways to upgrade your kitchen – CNET

Updating your kitchen might feel overwhelming. Don't overthink it. Here are nine ways to spruce up…

How to properly hang art, every single time – CNET

Tired of stressing over where or how to hang your wall art? Don't fret.

How to disguise your Alexa speaker – CNET

Maybe a matte-black speaker doesn't match your entertainment center, or it sticks out in the kitchen.…

7 places to buy affordable art and frames – CNET

Spruce up your living space with fine art that won't break the bank using these seven…

How to use Alexa Cast – CNET

Amazon rolled out a new feature for Alexa that lets users send Amazon Music from their…

9 ways to prep your home before you leave for vacation – CNET

No one wants to come home to a messy, smelly house.