A week ago today, Microsoft rolled out the “RTM” build of Windows 10 Fall Creators Update…
Author: Woody Leonhard
Windows 10 IQ test (Part 2)
Still think you know a lot about Windows?Image by MicrosoftWindows 10 has been out for more…
Excel, Access, external DB driver errors linked to this month’s patches
I’m seeing many reports, in various locations, about this month’s Windows security patches breaking custom programs…
How to block Windows 10 Fall Creators Update from installing
Some people want to install the latest version of Windows 10 the moment it’s available. They’ll…
Microsoft patch problems persist: bad release sequences, CRM blocks and more
We’re sitting at PT+2 — two days after Patch Tuesday — and the problems continue to roll in.…
Early reports of myriad Microsoft Patch Tuesday problems
This month’s massive bundle of Patch Tuesday patches almost certainly contains more than a few surprises,…
Windows 10 IQ test (Part 1)
Think you know a lot about Windows?Image by MicrosoftWindows 10 has been out for more than…
Another banner Patch Tuesday, with a Word zero-day and several bugs
It's going to be a banner patching month. I count 151 separate security patches and 48 Knowledge Base…