The US tech giant seeks to comply with Indonesian regulations in order to be able to…
Author: Zoey Chong
ZTE escapes US trade blacklist – CNET
The US Commerce Department strikes ZTE's name off the trade blacklist after the company admitted to…
3.7 million Hong Kong voters’ personal data stolen – CNET
The personal data of 3.7 million Hong Kong voters are at risk of being compromised following…
Samsung store catches fire a day before Galaxy S8 announcement – CNET
The cause of the fire has yet to be revealed, but no casualties were reported.
This game lets you create fake news for fake cash – CNET
New browser-based game invites players to take a walk in the shoes of fake news outlets.
Get ready for ‘Ready Player One’ in VR – CNET
Warner Bros. and HTC will release virtual reality content related to Steven Spielberg's adaptation of "Ready…
UK home secretary urges access to London attacker’s WhatsApp – CNET
Another security-versus-privacy war erupts following last week's attack in Westminster.
Apple beats Chinese company’s copycat claim in Chinese court – CNET
New ruling in Beijing declares that Chinese phone maker Shenzhen Baili's patent infringement claim is unfounded.