2017 is the year your startup gets funded

 The turn of the calendar is cathartic for entrepreneurs — there’s something about starting a new…

Data shows a downward demographic spiral for Republicans

 It’s clear Republicans hitched their wagon to a demographic they have successfully exploited at historic levels…

Trump’s immigration ban is terrible for entrepreneurs

 Donald Trump’s executive orders targeting Muslims, immigrants and refugees are moves that pander to the dangerous…

Payback’s a gift

 On the surface, many internet businesses might not have much in common; internally, we’ve converged around…

Time to stop acting like lemmings

 In a world defined by trends, we’ve been beset by a highly worrying one: There is…

From teen mom to tech maven Rita Henderson has broken the mold

 We all read the daunting statistics about single motherhood and teen pregnancy but we don’t always…

As interest rates climb, explore insourcing

 Most people and most companies understand the term and concept of outsourced development. True to tech,…

How startups thrive in emerging markets

 Plagued by terror attacks, distracted by volatility from within and by neighboring civil issues, Turkey has…