A new (old) way for product makers to defeat patent roadblocks

 An arms race in patents. A surge in high-cost patent litigation. And the emergence of unscrupulous…

Trump, tech, and the future of government surveillance

 Beginning with 2013’s Snowden leaks, the Obama administration publicly wrestled with various thorny issues at the…

Turning great companies into true franchises

 As Airbnb, Uber and Snap gear up for potential, and actual, IPOs, public investors are asking…

Trump’s first weeks in office have politicized the tech industry

 Though some upsides to Trump IT policy may emerge, a lack of internal structure in the…

How to make Facebook politics less painful

 The social norms of in-person communication clearly don’t exist online, and Facebook is limited by constraints…

Fintech is stimulating Chinese consumption and capital flow

 Fintech is rapidly being adopted in China and is spurring consumption, both domestically in China and…

Breaking into startups: Idalin Bobe’s journey from North Philly to ThoughtWorks

 Over Black History Month TechCrunch is working with the Breaking Into Startups Podcast to share stories…

The rise of “Generation Health”

 “We have the opportunity to make the new generation the healthiest generation in history” – Alex…