ITC protection of IP necessary for continued innovation

 The genius and creativity of American scientists and inventors has long kept the United States at…

Why white men are diversity’s missing stakeholders

 We need to evolve the tech industry’s approach to diversity and inclusion. Despite the best of…

What Facebook’s European payment license could mean for banks

 Early in December, Facebook finally unveiled their newly acquired licenses for e-money and payment services out…

The reality of VR/AR growth

 “VR will be big, AR will be bigger and take longer.” What sounded revolutionary when we…

Why entrepreneurs should avoid federal fixation

 Over the past year, the presidential campaign captured the world’s attention. Now all eyes are on…

The outlook for Bay Area startup space in 2017

 One of my favorite things to do is to riff on Bay Area real estate and…

.me — 10 years and two percent of exports

 Ten years ago, Montenegro became an independent country, separating from Serbia by a narrow margin of…

Will U.S. sanctions against Russia fix cybersecurity?

 The United States has finally announced a comprehensive package of responses to Russia’s 2016 influence operation…