Former VP of design at Wealthfront discusses career paths for designers, Facebook, and more

 Kate Aronowitz was the vice president of design at Wealthfront. Before that, she was a designer…

How The Last Mile helped Kenyatta Leal walk from prison in San Quentin to a job in tech

 Prison spending is 5x more than Higher Education and ~10% of the US prison population is in…

Watch ‘High Resolution,’ a video series about design

 Ever wonder how design has helped drive success for businesses like Airbnb, Facebook, Slack and IBM?…

Rethinking return on education investment

 A new generation of tech-enabled startups are beginning to reimagine how students finance their education. Higher…

There’s a simple solution to tech’s gender imbalance… hire more damn women

 On International Women’s Day, start a conversation with your colleagues about what it would take to…

Kenyan startup BRCK launches SupaBRCK device to solve Africa’s Internet equation

 Kenyan communications hardware company BRCK unveiled its SupaBRCK this week―a waterproof, solar-powered Wi-Fi box that operates…

Tech is divergent

 Tech is divergent, not convergent. Tech is still growing increasingly concentrated in a few prospering metropolitan…

Safaricom and mSurvey launch Consumer Wallet to map Africa’s cash economy

 Kenya’s leading mobile provider, Safaricom, is teaming up with data collection startup, mSurvey, to launch Consumer…