What Betsy DeVos’ confirmation means for innovation in education

 Following Betsy DeVos’ confirmation as Secretary of Education, the American education system could drastically pivot in…

Blame bad applicant tracking for the soft skills shortage at your company

 One of my favorite metaphors is the guy who stumbles out of the bar late at…

3 habits of successful language learners

 Roughly 1.2 billion people worldwide are currently learning a foreign language. If you are one of…

Why newspaper subscriptions are on the rise

 So much for the death of the newspaper industry. A recent study found that more than…

Why we’re ditching Demo Days

 Demo Days are not the best way to help most entrepreneurs get the funding they need.…

Mixed reality arcades are the next big market opportunity — but not for VCs

 Mixed reality arcades can be a huge boon for VR adoption, and I’m confident there will…

How IIoT is revolutionizing utilities

 The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is creating huge opportunities in the water and wastewater industries,…

Startups and nonprofits set sights on closing the achievement gap through internet access

 With the dawning of the digital age, low-income students face a new, unprecedented challenge: access to…