Email privacy could be a quick win for Trump and Congress

 Congress could chalk up a quick, easy bipartisan victory for taxpayers if both the House and…

Snap: Rewriting ‘Art of War’ for social networking — by not documenting anything

 Social networks may be the most valuable and durable types of businesses powered by “network effects,”…

Innovation was the epic fail of 2016

 The problem with the ongoing discourse on innovation is that it doesn’t answer the fundamental question…

2017 crowdfunding guide

 More than two years ago we wrote about what we learned from the 20 campaigns our…

Not another AI post

 This post is about a better world brought by human ingenuity. It’s about a human opportunity,…

Cash is no longer king

 The idea of a cashless society is one of the topics that stirs up a heated…

Why 2017 will be the year of the industry cloud

 2016 was another year of impressive growth in the Enterprise cloud software space: Last year there…

Conversational AI and the road ahead

 In recent years, we’ve seen an increasing number of so-called “intelligent” digital assistants being introduced on…