You can now save your Instagram Live streams to your camera roll

 One of the unique things about Instagram Live is that the video has always been disappearing.…

Instagram is the latest nexus of the Marines photo sharing scandal

 Following the revelation that a private Facebook group with 30,000 members targeted female Marines in a non-consensual…

Facebook Stories, yet another Snapchat clone, is rolling out to users worldwide

 Facebook is introducing yet another feature that clones Snapchat Stories to its massive global userbase. Facebook…

Facebook tells developers not use data for surveillance

 In response to pressure from the American Civil Liberties Union, Color of Change and the Center…

Crunch Report | Apple’s New Campus Will Open in April

Apple’s new campus will open in April, never-ending turnover at Twitter, Instagram adds a carousel feature…

Dovetale wants to let brands of any size use influencer marketing

 Influencer marketing is red-hot right now. Whether you realize it or not, a material percentage of your…

Instagram VP Kevin Weil joins board of social fitness app Strava

 If you’re trying to build the Instagram for exercise, it helps to have the guy building…

FaceApp uses neural networks for photorealistic selfie tweaks

 If you’re finding the vision of Trump’s visage with a smile on it generating ‘uncanny valley’…