Rogue National Park Service Twitter account says it’s no longer run by government employees…but maybe it never was

 The rogue government Twitter account, AltUSNatParkService, which claimed it was being run by current park rangers, says…

These genetically modified cyborg dragonflies could perform ‘guided pollination’

 We are now in a day and age where cyborg insects no longer even raise an…

Your smartphone could soon be the first step for diagnosing skin cancer

 If caught early, skin cancer isn’t particularly deadly. But unfortunately for many, signs and symptoms go…

Good luck silencing science

 Technology and the internet have empowered science just as they have business and communication. As with…

EPA scientific studies must be vetted by administration before release

 The Trump administration has told the EPA that its scientific work must pass through a political…

Bots_alive kit imbues toy robots with charming, lifelike AI

 There will be no shortage at Toy Fair next month of robots and gadgets promising artificial…

Google Lunar XPrize down to 5 finalists aiming to fly to the moon in 2017

 Google’s Lunar XPrize competition is nearing its zenith – the slate of competitors is down to…

Fake news’ power to influence shrinks with a contextual warning, study finds

 Research conducted by social psychologists at Cambridge University in the UK, and Yale and George Mason…