Prime Video movie of the day: Titanic won’t give you that sinking feeling

This disastrous aquatic epic is a masterpiece that's well worth rewatching on Netflix.

Prime Video movie of the day: 12 Angry Men is a claustrophobic courtroom drama that deserves its perfect Rotten Tomatoes score

Sidney Lumet's 1957 film adaptation of 12 Angry Men is as tense and engrossing as it…

Prime Video movie of the day: The Wizard of Oz gets a strange makeover in The Wiz

Tired of watching The Wizard of Oz over and again? This curious remake might pique your…

Prime Video movie of the day: Damien Chazelle’s Whiplash is so intense, you might forget to breathe

JK Simmons is incredible as a truly terrifying music teacher in this award-winning drama.

Prime Video movie of the day: Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson are electrifying in Tim Burton’s Batman

Despite tough competition, 1989's Batman remains one of the superhero's best live-action movies.

Prime Video movie of the day: You Were Never Really Here is incredibly stylish and deeply disturbing

You Were Never Really Here is a "dark, disturbing, and difficult" film that'll get under your…

Prime Video movie of the day: James McAvoy and Keira Knightley star in a ‘ravishing romance’ with 7 Oscar nominees

This BAFTA-winning wartime epic is very compelling and very, very sad.

Prime Video movie of the day: Christopher Walken chews the scenery as a crime boss in King of New York

Christopher Walken and the director of Driller Killer deliver a controversial crime thriller.