Apple cuts App Store affiliate commission from 7% to 2.5%

 Apple just sent an email to members of the App Store affiliate program saying that App…

Developers can finally respond to App Store reviews – here’s how it works

 With yesterday’s release of iOS 10.3 and macOS 10.12.4, Apple has made a significant change to how…

Apple gives indie gamers a permanent home on the App Store

 Breaking into the App Store can be difficult enough, but for small-time mobile game developers it’s…

Six months in, iMessage App Store growth slows as developers lose interest

 When the iMessage App Store first launched, its was touted as the next big platform for apps…

See you tonight at the New York Micro-Meetup

 In preparation for Disrupt New York in May I’m going to hold a few pitching workshops…

Kinetise now lets you download the code you make in their drag and drop app creator

 The world of mobile development is a hairy one. You can code things yourself and hurt…

App Store tests favoring paid apps over subscriptions to rebalance its top charts

 A number of smaller, paid applications scored a spot on the App Store’s Top Grossing chart over the weekend, in…

What happens when you dump the App Store?

 In what amounts to one of the purest and most interesting experiments in assessing value of…