Microsoft partners with Trimble, University of Cambridge to make HoloLens a better tool for the construction industry

 Microsoft has long positioned its HoloLens augmented reality (AR) helmet as a tool for the enterprise.…

Bots_alive kit imbues toy robots with charming, lifelike AI

 There will be no shortage at Toy Fair next month of robots and gadgets promising artificial…

It’s called virtual “reality” for a reason

 I was in grad school in the 1990s, working on a project for Michigan’s Advanced Technology…

Elon Musk says to expect “major” Tesla hardware revisions almost annually

 Tesla CEO and founder Elon Musk has advice for prospective buyers hoping their vehicles will be…

Sundance merges VR with real life through props, AR, and vibrating suits

 You can’t try this at home, even if you wanted to. Today’s premiere of the 2017… frees AI from the prison of the supercomputer

 Machine learning and AI are incredible tools, but they also require a similarly incredible amount of…

Betaworks’ Voicecamp is looking to give voice-powered startups $125K each

 Betaworks startup studio is today announcing the second in its line of accelerator camps in the…

The reality of VR/AR growth

 “VR will be big, AR will be bigger and take longer.” What sounded revolutionary when we…