Mobile OS maker Jolla, whose Sailfish platform remains one of the few smartphone alternatives in play…
Tag: China
500 Startups reboots its efforts in China, but there’s no dedicated fund
500 Startups is rebooting its efforts in Greater China after it hired a new head of…
Baidu’s iQiyi video service raises $1.53 billion
Baidu is charging up its video content push after iQiyi, its YouTube-style service in China, raised $1.53…
Temasek jumps into China’s bike rental startup war with investment in MoBike
Temasek, Singapore’s state-owned investment firm, has jumped into China’s on-demand cycle war after it backed MoBike. China’s ride-sharing…
Fintech is stimulating Chinese consumption and capital flow
Fintech is rapidly being adopted in China and is spurring consumption, both domestically in China and…
Oppo topped China’s smartphone market in 2016, as Apple recorded first annual decline
Oppo is not a name that is anything like as familiar as Apple, Xiaomi or Huawei worldwide, but…
Snap sees risks in Brexit, hacking and China’s Great Firewall
Snapchat, which filed for its initial public offering today, sees potential risks to its business in…