5 nifty OnePlus 5 software tricks you can use now – CNET

From Reading Mode to screenshots that go on forever, the OnePlus 5 has a new tricks…

OnePlus 5’s new nifty software tricks video – CNET

In addition to premium hardware, the OnePlus 5 has some useful software goodies as well.

Google’s News refresh, custom Snap geofilters in-app video – CNET

The major tech headlines of the day include Google's News page refresh, Snapchat letting users create…

AI enters the hospital room – CNET

From CNET Magazine: IBM's Watson takes on the scut work at a Philadelphia hospital, so nurses…

Systemd Bug Lets Attackers Hack Linux Boxes via Malicious DNS Packets

A bug in systemd — an init system used in many Linux distributions to start and…

O’Reilly Stops Selling Books and Videos Direct

New books and videos will still be published, but you'll have to buy them elsewhere or…

Google Starts Experimenting With VR Ads

As Google makes the bulk of its money from advertising it wants to be ready if…

Hyper PixelCast 85

The younger guys didn't show up this week, and us old hats were all sick. That's…