To be fair, he DID get it in 20

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This telecom company rebrands just after Y2K and gets a few leadership changes -- and all the new bosses are friends of the new CEO and not very technical, reports an IT pilot fish working there.

"My new boss was in charge of running all of the data centers and infrastructure operations," fish says. "He was a nice guy, but added very little value to a highly technical company.

"At one of our first meetings with him, we were reviewing the final approval to purchase a new storage area network, and he was shocked at the cost of the new storage hardware. So during the meeting, he decided to show his true level of technical experience."

After fish's team discusses the configuration and pricing options, the new boss stands up and asks, "Why do we need this SAN in the first place? In the IT storage area we have boxes of unused floppy disks. Why can't we use them in place of a new SAN?"

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