‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ strikes back in epic style video – CNET

The gripping, gorgeous "Last Jedi" echoes "The Empire Strikes Back" -- then tops it.

NASA video flies you through Jupiter’s Great Red Spot – CNET

Plunge into Jupiter's atmosphere and pop back up through its iconic red storm with an animated…

Twitter will now help you thread tweets – CNET

A new feature from the social network should streamline things when you create a chain of…

Continental, Avis turn phones into rental car keys – Roadshow

The pair is running a pilot program for this tech in Kansas City.

Watch video games on your Amazon Echo Show with Twitch skill – CNET

Twitch's new Alexa skill will make use of the Show's screen and help you find content…

Nintendo sells 10M Switch units in 9 months video – CNET

Nintendo crows that its latest video game console is selling at a great pace.

Extended Validation (EV) Certificates Abused to Create Insanely Believable Phishing Sites

New research published yesterday reveals that putting your trust in Extended Validation ("EV") SSL certificates will…

Instagram just found a way to make hashtags relevant again – CNET

This is the incentive we all need to adorn our pictures with a bajillion hashtags.