This Robot Can Solve a Rubik’s Cube in 0.38 Seconds

The robot can potentially solve the puzzle in an even faster time if fine-tuned.

Time2Translate is a smartwatch that puts real-time AI translation within easy reach

It’s about time.

Browser stored personal information there for the taking: Report

Researchers have found that browsers like Chrome and Firefox store a great deal of visitor information,…

Legal cryptocurrency mining operation’s power draw creates concern

Illegal cryptocurrency mining has taken over as the primary money-generating methodology for many cyber-criminals, but even…

Malware steals payments, cryptocurrency by modifying clipboard saved info

Researchers have discovered a new malware that steals cryptocurrency and other electronic funds by surreptitiously modifying…

Google is helping the US government analyse drone footage in the fight against Islamic extremists

The company is helping the Department of Defence use AI to detect "objects" in the war…

Explainer: What is fog computing?

Cloud computing dominates IT, but is there new tech in the forecast?

BlackBerry sues Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram for patent infringement

The Canadian company alleges that seven patents have been infringed by the social network and its…