IDG Contributor Network: The focus of Mobile World Congress 2018 is 5G, AI, IoT and beyond

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Every time there is a big wireless, telecom or technology trade show, the big question I am always asked by the media as a telecom and wireless analyst, is simple. What was the key message or take away from the show? Last week, at the world’s largest wireless trade show, Mobile World Congress 2018 in Barcelona, Spain, the answer was clear. First it is about 5G, with plenty of AI and IoT mixed in. Yes, our world is rapidly changing.

So, what will 5G, AI and IoT do for us? Today, in our 4G world, we can download a movie we want to watch in roughly 6 minutes. Using 5G, we will download the movie in roughly six seconds. It will change everything. It will encourage new business creation. It will empower new ideas and new companies just like we have seen with Uber and Lyft in recent years.

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