IDG Contributor Network: Microsoft mixed reality: From a proof of concept to a real enterprise class offering

[Disclosure: Microsoft is a client of the author]

One of the leading technologies from Microsoft is HoloLens, now in its second iteration. Microsoft recognized early on that the way to bring AR to market (at least initially) was to:

  • Create the strongest solution technology would allow
  • Target it at research and business opportunities that would pay for it
  • Avoid the typical mistake of bringing out a consumer-focused product like Google Glass that was both too expensive for that audience and unable to meet their expectations.

I’m really not a fan of bringing out products at any price that aren’t adequate at any price…yet that’s often how these new technologies come to market.

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Click here for original story, IDG Contributor Network: Microsoft mixed reality: From a proof of concept to a real enterprise class offering

Source: Computer World