Windows by the numbers: Windows 10 passes the 50% share mark

Windows 10 in May added another 1.6 percentage points to its user share total, finally pushing the four-year-old operating system over the 50% mark.

According to California web analytics vendor Net Applications, Windows 10’s share of the PCs running Windows reached 51.8% last month, the first time the OS accounted for a majority. Windows 10’s May growth put it at 45.7% of all personal computers. (The first number was significantly larger than the second because Windows does not power every personal computer; in May, Windows ran 88.3% of the world’s machines. All but a tiny fraction of the rest ran macOS, Linux or Chrome OS.)

May’s gain was only about half that in March, when Windows 10 went on a binge and added a record 3.3 points, the most since August 2015 when Microsoft was offering a free upgrade for consumers. But it was the sixth in the past year where the increase was of one or more percentage points.

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Source: Computer World