Why Amazon might want to be America's next mobile carrier

Just when you thought life in 2019 couldn’t get any more surreal, here’s a wild new nugget of possibility to chew on: What if at some point in the not-so-distant future, America’s four major mobile carriers were Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and…Amazon?

Far-fetched as it may sound, it’s not entirely implausible. Just ahead of the weekend, when most of us were already tuned out and thinking about what cured meats we wanted to ingest that evening (or whatever it is you think about on a Friday ahead of dinnertime), word broke via Reuters that Amazon was interested in buying the prepaid wireless provider Boost Mobile from Sprint and T-Mobile as part of the carriers’ long-pending proposed merger. (Seriously — I can’t be the only one sick of hearing about this “will they, won’t they” dance, can I? It’s starting to feel like a never-ending, mildly nauseating flirtation between two obnoxious people you kinda-sorta know and can’t entirely avoid. Just do the frickin’ deed or shut up about it already, I say.)

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Source: Computer World