Bury it with the mouse

Pilot fish doing desktop support at a hospital gets a call from the medical office building on campus asking that he come inspect a printer. At first he thinks they’re telling him the printer has died, but then it becomes clear that something inside of it has died — and is filling the office with a truly foul smell.

“Not my job,” or unprintable words to that effect, grumbles fish to himself as he walks across the street to the medical office building. His destination is easy to spot: All of the windows are open, and several box fans are drawing air out of the building.

At the door to this office (also open), fish encounters the hospital’s HVAC manager, who was also called in and has already taken apart a window-mounted air conditioning unit in an effort to track down the source of the smell. When nothing turned up there, he went ahead and disassembled the laser printer, where he found a small mouse that had hidden inside the printer’s cozy power supply — cozy, that is, until the mouse was electrocuted and basically exploded from both ends.

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Source: Computer World