The unexpected side effect of Google's Pixel 4 phone

Look, I get what you’re probably thinking right now. I’m normally the guy who calls shenanigans when some over-the-top article claims an unreleased product is somehow “changing everything” in a suspiciously vague way.

Such grandiose claims deserve to be scrutinized and, in most cases, brushed off as sensational silliness. This, however, is not one of those situations.

We’ve talked plenty about the radar technology in Google’s upcoming Pixel 4 phone and how it could, at least in theory, be a significant point of differentiation not only for the Pixel 4 but for much of Google’s self-made hardware lineup. And all of that is true, at least on a theoretical level (for now). Today, though, I wanted to explore another side of the Pixel 4’s pending arrival — one that’s less about the device itself and more about the way Google’s presenting it.

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Source: Computer World