The New Normal: Lenovo study offers insights into worker productivity

Disclosure:  Lenovo is a client of the author.

One of the reasons vendors do surveys is to get a sense of what is going on in the minds of buyers and users of their products.  Given the recent changes the market has recently undergone, it should be no surprise that users and buyers are in vastly different places than they were at the beginning of the year. 

Lenovo’s recent study looks at how work styles and tools are rapidly evolving and explores the advantages – and challenges ­– tech is providing. It highlights the recent impact of increased work from home and what most frustrates users. 

The study involved 20,262 online respondents between May 8-14 across 10 markets – U.S., Brazil, Mexico, U.K., France, Germany, Italy, China, India and Japan.  With a diverse sample set surveyed after most pandemic shutdowns had been implemented, it should provide a relatively accurate view of the world as it currently exists from the perspective of tech users. 

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Source: Computer World