Wayback Wednesday: Survival of the fittest, hardware division

Vice president calls this support pilot fish several times, complaining that his PC is being hacked. “His mouse kept moving and clicking on odd things,” says fish.

So fish remotely controls his computer, uninstalls a few programs and tells the VP that there are no programs on his computer that would allow that strange behavior.

VP calls again, not five minutes later. It’s doing it again, he says. Fish suggests rebooting, under the theory that some out-of-control service might still be running. That doesn’t fix it, so fish heads over to VP’s office to observe the problem firsthand.

In the executive suite, VP’s peers say they’re sure the network has been hacked and the situation should be reported to corporate HQ. But after a quick examination of the VP’s desk, fish has another idea.

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Click here for original story, Wayback Wednesday: Survival of the fittest, hardware division

Source: Computer World