Amazon’s Bezos tweets out photos of new rocket engine – CNET

The Amazon and Blue Origin founder shows off his shiny new rocket engine and promises two…

Immigration agency computer systems suffer glitch – CNET

Computer networks at USCIS experience a hiccup.

Jay Z not busy enough so he’s reportedly starting a VC fund. – CNET

The famed entrepreneur, rapper and author will invest in other entrepreneurs. When does he sleep?

Tokyo Olympics to feature medals made of recycled phones – CNET

The organizing committee for the Japanese games is going for the gold in recycling.

Human-pig hybrid grown in lab. (Actually happened) – CNET

Scientists at the Salk Institute inject human stem cells into a pig embryo in research to…

Apple reportedly joining AI research group – CNET

The famously secretive company is reportedly joining its competitors in a consortium researching the uses of…

Russian hackers strike at US electrical grid, report says – CNET

Code associated with a Russian hacking operation, known as 'Grizzly Steppe,' is found at a Vermont…