Facebook to give scholarships to journalism students – CNET

The social-networking giant is doling out $1 million over the next five years to students pursuing…

Facebook, Google and Twitter reveal little in answers to Senate – CNET

The internet giants, which spoke to the Senate Select Intelligence Committee late last year, gave written…

You can download Apple’s iOS 11.3 public beta, but beware – CNET

The test version of Apple's latest software includes new animoji, better augmented reality features and message…

With two questions, Facebook is deciding the future of news – CNET

Commentary: First it was the Disney Princess quizzes. Then it was Russian propaganda. Now Facebook is…

Facebook will ask us to decide what’s ‘high quality’ news – CNET

To curb "misinformation and polarization," Facebook will prioritize news from "trustworthy" publishers -- and its users…

Recycled guns give these headphones heft and a cause – CNET

Concerned about gun violence? So is the Swedish company Yevo, which is doing something about it.

Esports get serious: Alienware, top team partner on training sites – CNET

The gamer-friendly PC maker is working with Team Liquid, a leading esports team, on two gyms…

Baby tech makers, please figure out what parents actually need – CNET

Commentary: There’s a growing list of kid tech like oxygen sensors, scales and Wi-Fi cameras. But…