Before crashing into the moon, Israel’s lunar lander grabbed a breathtaking final image – CNET

The spacecraft captured a wonderful image of the moon's gray, shadowed surface before its untimely end.

NASA twins study shows a year in space causes thousands of genetic changes – CNET

Identical twins, Scott and Mark Kelly, provide an unprecedented look at how space travel might change…

NASA wants to develop self-healing spacesuits, Venus landers and spider probes – CNET

The space agency's innovative advanced concepts program is funding 18 new projects that could change how…

How to watch SpaceX Falcon Heavy’s historic launch – CNET

The monster spacecraft is scheduled to blast off Thursday, after high winds postponed the first commercial…

NASA is ready to launch a satellite that shoots lasers at the Earth – CNET

The satellite shoots 10,000 laser pulses at the Earth every second, taking measurements every 2.3 feet…

Elon Musk is building a medieval watchtower – CNET

Elon Musk completes the apocalypse trifecta: Flamethrowers, subterranean tunnels and now a medieval watchtower.

We’re sending worms into space – CNET

This is Major Worm to Ground Control: I'm wriggling through the door, and I'm floating in…

Xbox’s greaseproof controller isn’t exactly greaseproof video – CNET

We put the Xbox greaseproof controller to the test, lathering it with grease, cheese dust and…