CNET asks: Should phone use while crossing the street become illegal? – CNET

In Honolulu it will be soon illegal to use your phone in the crosswalk. CNET wants…

Get to know the CNET family: Q&A with Abigail Kirn – CNET

Meet Abigail, CNET intern turned pro whose magic power wish is to have a green thumb.

Get to know the CNET family: Q&A with Andrew Hoyle – CNET

Meet Andrew, an owl renter, a sucker for a good steak and a camera slinger who…

Get to know CNET family: Q&A with Morgan Harrelson – CNET

A fitness nut whose weakness is peanut butter M&Ms.

Get to know the CNET family: Q&A with Nader Zaidan – CNET

Get to know Nader, our site's ninja, a new dad and an ex-BlackBerry fanboy.

Get to know the CNET family: Q&A with Josh Moffett – CNET

Get to know Josh, outdoor adventurist, master of dad jokes and the man who enjoys making…

Get to know the CNET family: Q&A with Danielle Ramirez – CNET

Get to know Danielle, a mom, a Jurassic Park fan, and the incredible sorcerer behind CNET…

CNET asks: Google Home or Amazon Echo? – CNET

CNET's latest Prizefight, Google Home vs. Amazon Echo, ended in a draw and we want you…