Google is probably tracking your location, even if you turn it off, says report – CNET

While your location history is paused, some services still store your location data.

Blue light from phones and tablets can speed up blindness, study finds – CNET

It's best not to stare at your phone screens in the dark.

Qualcomm reaches $93M antitrust settlement in Taiwan – CNET

Contributing to local economic development, such as 5G deployment, is also part of the deal.

Soluna to build wind farm in the Sahara to power its blockchain facility – CNET

A 37,000 acre crypto-mining plant may rise in the desert.

Apple’s Siri team looks to boost recognition of local destinations – CNET

Big box stores are one thing, but Siri also wants to live la vida local.

Facebook bans sites that host blueprints of 3D-printed guns – CNET

Sharing the files violates the social network's community standards.

Hackers demand bitcoin from PGA in ransomware attack, says report – CNET

Even golf isn't safe from ransomware.

Tribune Media kills $3.9B merger with Sinclair after FCC’s ‘serious concerns’ – CNET

Tribune says Sinclair breached its contract by misleading regulators.