NSA leaker Reality Winner pleads guilty, could get 5 years in jail – CNET

She leaked a classified report about Russian election meddling.

HBO.com down in China after John Oliver blocked on Weibo – CNET

Oliver mocked Chinese President Xi Jinping on Last Week Tonight, which airs on HBO.

Amazon launches support for Arabic language books – CNET

More than 12,000 books are now available in Arabic.

Face unlock is coming to new Nokia 6 and 7 Plus in ‘coming months’ – CNET

The onetime mobile phone giant is catching up.

South Korean Overwatch hacker sentenced to a year in prison – CNET

When a video game gets too real.

Orlando stops using Amazon’s controversial facial recognition tech – CNET

But the Florida police department might re-up for the Rekognition program in the future.

How to measure any place on the planet? Google Earth can help – CNET

How big is the Nizhny Novgorod Stadium in Russia? You can now ask Google Earth.

AT&T lets NSA hide and surveil in plain sight, The Intercept reports – CNET

Big Brother has reportedly never left us.