Intel says new firmware patches trigger reboots in Haswell and Broadwell systems

The headlong race to cover the Meltdown/Spectre debacle has claimed another victim. In a surprising move,…

Microsoft reinstates Meltdown/Spectre patches for some AMD processors — but which ones?

As we rappel down the Patch Tuesday rabbit hole this month, Microsoft just announced that it’s…

Surprise! Excel gets a variation of the Word DDE block settings

You  may recall that Microsoft disabled automatic Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) in Word back in December.…

A mess of Microsoft patches, warnings about slowdowns — and antivirus proves crucial

Welcome to another banner Patch Tuesday. Microsoft yesterday released 56 separately identified security patches for every…

Microsoft yanks buggy Windows Meltdown/Spectre patches for AMD computers

The hastily released Jan. 4 Windows Meltdown/Spectre patches left many AMD computer owners in a bind.…

Buggy Win7 Meltdown patch KB 4056894 throwing blue screens

Microsoft’s hasty Meltdown/Spectre patches, released late on Jan. 4, have started baring their fangs. Complaints about Win10…

Win7 Monthly Rollup KB 4056894 signals early, abbreviated Patch Tuesday

Last night Microsoft released KB 4056894, the 2018-01 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7. Spurred…

Windows, Meltdown and Spectre: Keep calm and carry on

I’m increasingly skeptical of security holes that have their own logos and PR campaigns. Yesterday’s sudden…