AT&T denies refunds for DirecTV Now customers, despite the service’s performance issues

 A number of consumers report they’re unable to get a refund for their subscription to AT&T’s…

Understanding our new President’s priorities through Twitter

 While President-elect Donald Trump built a campaign around making America great again, his public statements don’t…

Researchers find that “moderate” screen use is OK for teens

 Parents rejoice! Researchers have found that “moderate” screen use “has no detectable link to well-being and…

Will the last person to leave social media please turn off the light?

 After the early, exciting expository years of the Internet – the Age of Jennicam where the…, the ambitious project to build a better Twitter, is finally dead

 Aiming for the stars and not quite making it, the ambitious has finally officially shut…

Media blog Techdirt fights for its life in frivolous lawsuit

 Techdirt, a blog about the intersections of law, media, and technology, is fighting a defamation suit…

Microsoft launches StaffHub, a new Office 365 app aimed at shift workers

 Microsoft today unveiled the newest addition to its Office 365 suite with the debut of an application…

Shine’s Roi Carthy talks about media and peace

 Roi Carthy has been a mover and a shaker in the Israeli tech scene for years.…