Edward Snowden says “the central problem of the future” is control of user data

 Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey interviewed Edward Snowden today, and the big topic was technology. During the…

Google just published eight National Security Letters

 Google dropped a single National Security Letter into its most recent transparency report without much fanfare,…

Commerce Dept. to send “digital attachés” to Mexico, South Korea and four other nations

 The U.S. Department of Commerce is opening six new international markets for its Commercial Digital Attaché…

The NSA eavesdrops on in-flight mobile use too

 If you’ve been taking your sensitive phone calls at 30,000 feet, well, it’s time to stop.…

Backing up the history of the internet in Canada to save it from Trump

 When the Library of Alexandria burned, the world lost a significant portion of its cultural knowledge…

Airbnb’s plan to compromise with cities as regulatory challenges pile up

 Airbnb looks to be making a key strategy change with regards to its global lobbying efforts.…

What the drone industry wants from the FAA and Trump

 The commercial drone industry in the U.S. hasn’t heard much from the President Elect about his plans…

Trump is holding a meeting with key tech leaders at Trump Tower next week

 Aside his on-going free market bromance with entrepreneur-turned-transition-adviser Peter Thiel, things between Donald Trump and the…