The FCC is talking about everything but the imminent repeal of its internet privacy rules

 It was a productive meeting at the FCC: Chairman Pai talked about putting pressure on phone…

Senate votes to allow ISPs to collect personal data without permission

 The broadband privacy rules created by the FCC last year and vigorously debated last night are…

Another European e2e encrypted Gmail alternative reports rising signups

 Tutanota, an end-to-end encrypted email service located in Germany, says it’s seeing an “exponential” uptick in…

Senate debates permanent rollback of FCC’s broadband privacy rules

 Republican Senators led by Arizona’s Jeff Flake proposed a resolution earlier this month that would roll…

Google Maps now lets you share your location with friends and family for a specific period of time

 Google Maps has today launched a new feature to allow you to share your location with…

Marine Corps updates social media guidance to address online misconduct

 As its revenge porn scandal continues to unfurl, the Marine Corps took steps this week to…

UK watchdog “close” to verdict in DeepMind Health data consent probe

 The UK’s data protection watchdog has said it’s “close” to concluding a 10-month+ investigation into consent…

Instagram is the latest nexus of the Marines photo sharing scandal

 Following the revelation that a private Facebook group with 30,000 members targeted female Marines in a non-consensual…