Unraveling the differences: a guide to identity theft protection, credit monitoring, and credit protection

We'll help you decide which service is best for you by breaking down the differences between…

Keep your identity intact: 5 easy-to-follow tips to avoid identity theft and fraud

Identity theft can have devastating consequences, leaving victims financially ruined and even homeless.

Race to protect: strategies for staying ahead in the identity fraud battle

Discover how data and the latest technological advancements can be leveraged to effectively prevent identity theft…

Suspicious activity? 5 indicators that you might be a target of identity theft

Here are five indicators that suggest someone else might have taken over your identity.

Bye-bye identity theft: how biometrics can revolutionize security

Using biometric authentication can provide protection against various scams and fraudulent activities.

Telematics: what you need to know

Telematics systems will soon be monitoring your personal driving style, enabling insurers to calculate fairer premiums.