Airobotics scores authorization to fly autonomous drones in Israel

 A startup based in Petah Tikva, Israel, Airobotics, has scored the right to fly drones autonomously…

NASA is using a mixed reality space station to train astronauts

 NASA has always embraced emerging technology for visualization, even if that tech was seemingly developed for…

Technology is killing jobs, and only technology can save them

 Are we living in historically unprecedented times for job loss? Or is this part of a…

Japanese authorities decry ongoing robot failures at Fukushima

 Six years ago, a massive earthquake, consequent tsunami and nuclear crisis struck Japan. International organizations rushed…

Is it a bird? Is it a bug? No it’s a biomimetic microdrone with flapping wings

 UK biomimetic engineering startup Animal Dynamics is being funded by the military to build a microdrone…

MIT researchers take a cue from color-changing beetles in quest to 3D print robot skin

 When Subramanian Sundaram’s team hit a roadblock in its quest to build a 3D printed robot,…

Behold the robo-fruit

 Perhaps you’ve been watching the BBC’s Spy in the Wild, in which meticulously recreated robotic animals…

NASA’s pop-up robot can tackle tight spots where rovers can’t reach

 NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is pretty much a non-stop source of amazing things, and the…