Remove Powered By Vidsquare Advertisements (Removal Guide)

If a computer is display advertisements labeled as Ads by Vidsquare or X by Vidsquare, then…

Author of Limitless Keylogger Faces Up to 10 Years in Prison

Zachary Shames pleaded guilty today to charges of developing and selling malware that was later used…

Misconfigured Server Gives Insight Into Cerber Ransomware Operation

Security researchers have gained access to one of the servers used by the Cerber gang, from…

Researcher: WhatsApp Bug Exposes Encrypted Messages

Security researcher Tobias Boelter has discovered a bug in the encrypted communications system used by WhatsApp…

The Week in Ransomware – January 13th 2017 – MongoDB Apocalypse, Spora, Decryptors, and More

The ransomware scourge does not want to let up. This week we have seen lots of…

Encrypted messaging platform WhatsApp denies “backdoor” claim

 A security issue has been flagged in the hugely popular mobile messaging app WhatsApp that could…

Ploutus ATM Malware: Press F3 for Money

Security researchers from FireEye have identified a new variant of the Ploutus ATM malware, used for…

Trump’s New Cyber-Security Advisor Runs a Very, Very Insecure Website

Yesterday, President-elect Donald Trump announced the appointment of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as his…