How to Remove Antivirus 10 (Removal Guide)

Antivirus 10 is a scareware program that pretends to an anti-virus program, but in reality is…

The Week in Ransomware – December 30th 2016 – Infected TVs and Open Source Ransomware Sucks

2016 is almost over and it has been a crazy year in ransomware. There wasn't any…

US Ejects 35 Russian Diplomats in Response to Election Hacks

In a statement issued yesterday by the White House, President Barack Obama has ordered the expulsion…

Turkey Wants to Build Army of Hackers

Turkish officials announced plans to hire computer experts to serve as white-hat hackers and help protect…

Unpatched Vulnerability Affecting PHP 7 Servers

PHP 7 is affected by an unpatched vulnerability that opens servers running the latest branch of…

Steganography Is Very Popular with Exploit Kits All of a Sudden

Steganography, the technique of embedding hidden messages inside public files, has become very popular with exploit…

Three Chinese Charged with Hacking Law Firms and Stealing Insider Trading Data

The US charged three Chinese nationals with hacking two New York law firms and stealing data…

It’s Almost 2017 and Users Are Still Getting Infected with Malware via Fake AV Software

You'd expect that by now, users should be aware that downloading "cracks" for any kind of…