Three Chinese Charged with Hacking Law Firms and Stealing Insider Trading Data

The US charged three Chinese nationals with hacking two New York law firms and stealing data…

It’s Almost 2017 and Users Are Still Getting Infected with Malware via Fake AV Software

You'd expect that by now, users should be aware that downloading "cracks" for any kind of…

KillDisk Disk-Wiping Malware Adds Ransomware Component

A malware family previously used to sabotage computers by deleting and rewriting files has added a…

FDA issues new security guidelines so that your pacemaker won’t get hacked

 This week, the US Food and Drug Administration issued a set of recommendations for securing medical…

Congress Report Rules Against Encryption Backdoors

Last week, a report published by the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee and the House of…

650Gbps DDoS Attack from Leet Botnet Rivals Mirai Attacks

Mirai-based DDoS botnets have lost the exclusivity on high output DDoS attacks, according to DDoS mitigation…

Switcher Android Malware Hacks TP-Link Routers, Changes DNS Settings

An Android trojan named Switcher (Trojan.AndroidOS.Switcher) targets Android devices in order to take over local WiFi…

Business Man Pleads Guilty for Operation Resume Hoard

David W. Kent pleaded guilty last week of hacking his former company to boost his current…