Colonel panic: KFC loyalty club system hacked

 Did someone order their chicken extra risky? KFC has alerted members of its Colonel’s Club loyalty…

Samas Ransomware Group Made at Least $450,000

A criminal group has made at least $450,000 by infecting organizations with the Samas ransomware in…

Microsoft Edge SmartScreen Security Feature Can Be Abused for Tech Support Scams

Microsoft Edge SmartScreen SecuriManuel Caballero, the Web security expert behind the Broken Browser blog, has discovered…

34 Users Who Paid for DDoS Attacks Arrested by Police, 101 More Questioned

Europol announced today that law enforcement agencies around the globe arrested 34 users and questioned and…

Cryptocurrency Miners Turn Their Sights to Zcash

Barely a month and a half have passed since Zcash became available, and crooks have already…

First Version of Sandboxed Tor Browser Available

Developers at the Tor Project have started working on a sandboxed version of the Tor Browser,…

Protecting America’s critical infrastructure must remain a priority

 America’s dependence on technology and web-based communication has forever changed the way government functions at every…

M4N1F3STO Virus Removal Guide

The M4N1F3STO Virus screen locker is a Trojan that displays a picture of what is intended…