Locky Ransomware switches to Egyptian Mythology with the Osiris Extension

Once again, the developers of the Locky Ransomware have decided to change the extension of encrypted files.…

Kelihos Botnet Delivering Shade (Troldesh) Ransomware with No_More_Ransom Extension

Over the last two weeks, the Kelihos spam botnet has been busy spreading the latest version…

Visa Payment Cards Vulnerable to Brute-Forcing

A study released by researchers from Newcastle University shows that it could take an attacker around…

Remove the Microsoft Help Desk Tech Support Scam

The Microsoft Help Desk Tech Support Scam is a Trojan from the Trojan.Tech-Support-Scam family that displays…

Ransomware Author "Pornopoker" Arrested in Russia

Russian authorities have arrested a man suspected of writing and distributing ransomware. The suspect, whose name…

Sysadmin Gets Two Years in Prison for Sabotaging ISP

A judge in New York has sentenced Dariusz J. Prugar, 32, of Syracuse, New York, to…

An Unknown Botnet Is Launching Daily DDoS Attacks for the Last 10 Days

Since November 23, an unidentified group has been using a massive botnet to launch large DDoS…

Fake Windows Defender Prevented Malicious Software Scam Removal Guide

The Windows Defender Prevented Malicious Software Scam is a Trojan from the Trojan.Tech-Support-Scam family that displays…