Here’s Why You Don’t Leave Your Tesla Key at Home

File this one under #richpeopleproblems.

Google+ won’t go away

 Since Google+ is still alive and kicking, Google is rolling out three updates to the product…

Zuckerberg testifies in $2 billion lawsuit that Oculus did not steal core VR tech

 Zuckerberg was forced to leave his signature grey t-shirt at home today and suit up for court.…

Sensitive access tokens and keys found in hundreds of Android apps

Many developers still embed sensitive access tokens and API keys into their mobile applications, putting data…

Microsoft’s first tethered Windows 10 VR headsets to ship in March

Microsoft will ship its first PC-attached mixed reality headsets for Windows 10 PCs to developers starting…

Microsoft acquires 3D optimization service Simplygon

 Microsoft today announced that it has acquired Simplygon, a company that develops 3D-optimization solutions for game…

Juicero cuts the price of its luxury juicer by $300

 The Juicero is a neat device that, for many, has become a symbo Silicon Valley excesses. The…

France creates a special visa for entrepreneurs, engineers and investors

 Just in time before the 2017 presidential election in France, the current French government wanted to…